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Target Population Free Essay Example, 750 words

Demographic Paper Number and Number Number of Words: 769 Target Population Target population that will be considered in this report is New York. Data about the Target Population The total population in New York as of 2010 was 19,378,102 which represents 6.27% of U. S. total population (U. S. Census Bureau, 2011). Dominated by women with 51.4%, the population change rate in New York is 2.1% which is 7.6% slower than the population change in the United States (ibid). This explains why children below the age of 5 years old is composed of only 6.3% of its entire population. Chart I – Target Population Summary Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011 With regards to educational attainment, only 31.8% of the entire population holds a Bachelor’s degree or higher among individuals above the age of 25 years old whereas majority with 84.2% of them were able to complete high school requirements (U. S. Census Bureau, 2011). As of July 2011, unemployment rate in New York was 8.0% (New York State Department of Labor, 2011). General Effects of Demographic Changes on Health Care Market and Impact of Changing Demographics on Health Care Although the unemployment rate in New York dropped 0.6% from 8.6% in July 2010 to 8.0% in July 2011 (New York State Department of Labor, 2011), this figure is still considered high. We will write a custom essay sample on Target Population or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now In general, the money use in maintaining the quality of health care services in the market usually comes from the collected taxes. If the ageing population in New York exceeds the young generation (below 5 y/o), it means that the state is at risk of facing serious problems with regards to the sources of health care funding 20 years from now. Based on the demographic profile of New York, majority with 58% of its population belongs to the age bracket of 18 – 64 year old whereas only 23% of its population today will be ready to join the NY workforce (U. S. Census Bureau, 2011). Say 10 – 20 years from now, the number of elderly individuals in New York will significant increase. Thus, increasing demand for health care services. Given the potential limited sources of funding, the demographic profile of New York strongly suggests that its government officials need to start finding solution to this problem. Two Key Health Care-Related Changes in this Population Through Medicaid expansion, president Obama signed a legislation back on the 23rd of March 2010 which clearly states the need to change the nation’s health care system which could make it easier for more than 10 million Americans to have a ready access for medical insurance (The New York Times, 2011). Under the said legislation, Medicare will give seniors the benefit to have free preventive care, post-hospital care, tax-free health savings account, and rebates to consumers starting on 2012 (Kavilanz, 2011). A state program in New York called â€Å"EPIC† which enables the seniors pay their prescription drugs through secondary coverage. Basically, eligible applicants for EPIC includes individuals more than 65 years old who are earning less than US$35,000 (single) and US$50,000 (married) (New York Departmetn of Health, 2011a). Through this program, elderly individuals in New York are able to enjoy as much as 90% saving on the cost of their prescription medicines. In response to Obama’s health legislation, the income bracket eligible for EPIC’s Part D premium assistance will be increased from $20,000 to $23,000 (single) and $26,000 to $29,000 (married) starting on 1st of July 2011 (New York Department of Health, 2011b), Furthermore, application for EPIC will be free starting the 1st of January 2012 (ibid). How a Chronic Disease Wellness Program affect the Cost of Health Care Services The presence of chronic diseases costs roughly $2 trillion on medical care insurance. In general, a chronic disease wellness program aims to prevent the incidence of chronic diseases by extending health care teachings in school, work environment, healthcare institutions, and community (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2011). Through a continuous promotion of health teachings, a chronic disease wellness program could help reduce the cost of health care services in the long-run. Strategic Ways on How the Community Can Address these Conditions Regardless of age, gender, race and socio-economic status, people in New York should start supporting the development of a chronic disease prevention and health promotion. By making it a habit to live a healthy lifestyle, New Yorkers will be able to help keep the cost of health care services down. In the case of illegal immigrants, the community can help address the health care related problems by reporting them to the authorities. Illegal immigrants do not pay taxes which should be contributing to the fund available to maintain the quality of health care services in New York. *** End *** References Kavilanz, P. (2011, March 3). CNN Money. Retrieved August 28, 2011, from Health care: Big change in drug costs for seniors: http: //money. cnn. com/2011/03/03/news/economy/health_care_reform_changes/index. htm National Conference of State Legislatures. (2011, March). Retrieved August 28, 2011, from Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: http: //www. ncsl. org/default. aspx? tabid=14507 New York Department of Health. (2011b). Retrieved August 28, 2011, from Executive Budget Changes - EPIC - SFY 2011-2012 - Key Points & Additional FAQs: http: //www. health. state. ny. us/health_care/epic/2011-12_key_points_and_faq. htm New York Departmetn of Health. (2011a). Retrieved August 28, 2011, from Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC) Program: http: //www. health. state. ny. us/health_care/epic/ New York State Department of Labor. (2011, August 23). Retrieved August 29, 2011, from State Labor Department Releases July 2011 Area Unemployment Rates: http: //www. labor. ny. gov/stats/pressreleases/prlaus. shtm The New York Times. (2011, August 12). Retrieved August 28, 2011, from Health Care Reform: http: //topics. nytimes. com/top/news/health/diseasesconditionsandhealthtopics/health_insurance_and_managed_care/health_care_reform/index. html U. S. Census Bureau. (2011). Retrieved August 29, 2011, from New York: http: //quickfacts. census. gov/qfd/states/36000.html

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